Student Computer Recommendations

ets vehicles

Student Computer Recommendations
The College of Engineering (CoE) curriculum uses authentic engineering applications that require sufficient hardware resources to run efficiently.  This page provides the computer requirements necessary to run this software.



Processor Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 9
Memory 32GB
Operating System Windows 11
Hard Drive 1TB SSD
Software Microsoft Office 365
(available from UConn after enrolled)
Accessories Camera and Microphone
Wireless Networking Adapter


The majority of engineering software programs used in the College of Engineering is Windows-based and will not run on the Mac operating system. If you are coming to campus with a MacBook, you can access Windows by:

  1. Install Microsoft Remote Desktop to access on campus computers.
  2. Log into UConn AnyWare.

MacBook specifications are similar to Windows.  If using options 3 or 4 above, double the size of your hard drive.